Mitxel Lakuntza is re-elected as Secretary General of ELA, with 90.69% of the votes

Nov 25, 2021
Mitxel Lakuntza Vicario has been re-elected as Secretary General of ELA with 90.69% of the votes. The list for the new Executive Committee headed by Lakuntza was the only one presented at this 15th Confederate Congress. Additionally, the delegates meeting in Bilbao adopted by acclamation the Presentation that marks out the trade union’s strategic lines for the next four years.

There are several new developments in the elected Executive Committee. Three people are joining it: Alazne Mantxola Mintegi (Treasury), Ane Miren Zelaia Arieta-Araunabeña (Unionisation. Planning. Strategic gender equality plan) and Leire Gallego López de Goikoetxea (Social Action. Immigration. Gender equality policies).

Amongst the people leaving the Executive Committee is Laura Gonzalez de Txabarri, who will continue with the same functions as head of ELA’s international area.

The new Executive Committee must be understood within the trade union’s continuous transformation process. As a result of this election, a new generation is joining the trade union and for the first time the Executive Committee will be equal regarding gender.


This was the result of the vote:

YES 624 votes (90.69%)

NO 42 votes (6.10%)

Blank 17 votes (2.47%)

Null 5 votes (0.72%)


Therefore, ELA’s new Executive Committee is made up as follows:

  • Mitxel Lakuntza Vicario (Secretary General)
  • Amaia Muñoa Capron-Manieux (Assistant Secretary General. International)
  • Amaia Aierbe Beloki (Legal Services)
  • Xabi Anza Olarra (Training. Iparralde)
  • Leire Gallego López de Goikoetxea (Social Action. Immigration. Gender equality policies)
  • Iván Giménez Gil (Communication)
  • Pello Igeregi Santamaría (Collective Bargaining. Workplace Health. Basque language)
  • Alazne Mantxola Mintegi (Treasury)
  • Mikel Noval Fernández (Social Policies. Investigation Bureau. The Environment)
  • Leire Txakartegi Iramategi (Organisation)
  • Joseba Villarreal Olaizola (Trade union elections. Membership. Confederate actions)
  • Ane Miren Zelaia Arieta-Araunabeña (Unionisation. Planning. Strategic gender equality plan).