About ELA

ELA (Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna – Basque Workers Solidarity) is the Basque trade union representing the largest number of workers. It has over 100,000 workers from the southern Basque Country (Basque Autonomous Community and the Autonomous Community of Navarra). Its double structure means that its members are within a framework of 12 Regional Unions and 4 Federations: Metala (metal), Gizalan (public services), Zerbitzuak (private services) and Hainbat (non-metallurgy industry, construction, transport and others).

Its financial and political independence are two defining features of its opposition trade union model, which is critical of institutionalised social dialogue.

ELA, as a democratic and class trade union, concentrates its struggle in three well defined areas:

  • Collective bargaining, as a key aspect of the distribution of wealth. Its strike fund makes its stand out among all the trade unions as an organisation that is able to strongly withstand company and sectoral conflicts and strike.

  • The society model, and more specifically, the fight for fairer social policies, public services and a progressive tax system.

  • And finally, the democratic fight and for the sovereignist issue, as a Basque trade union committed to the full sovereignty of our people.

In northern Basque Country (under French administration), ELA operates through the Manu Robles-Arangiz Institutua Foundation, by carrying out significant work of training and cultural and social activities.