Palestine ELA joins the Gernika-Palestine Platform's demand for a ceasefire and the right to self-determination for the Palestinian People Own minimum wage ELA registers a request for an agreement with Confebask and CEN regarding a own minimum wage for Hego Euskal Herria Strike Wide support during the last two days of the strike against the State agreement FREEDOM FOR ÖCALAN ELA joins the global campaign to demand a political solution to the Kurdish question Confédération européenne des syndicats (CES) The General Secretary, Esther Lynch, meets ELA in Bilbao Racism and discimination ELA is launching a campaign to mobilise over 1,500 trade union sections in the fight against racism and discrimination INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST RACISM ELA mobilized to demand the end of racial discrimination STOP GENOCIDE! Against genocide in Gaza ELA joins the request for governments to support South Africa in the lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice The deaths in the Ionian Sea are due to the European Union’s inhumane policies ELA is the trade union that has obtained most representatives in 2023 and it has been consolidated as the leading union in Hego Euskal Herria (south Basque Country) (36.13%) ELA obtains a wage rise of over 23% after two years of dispute and a 68 day-long strike The EU will return to the austerity policies in 2024, as the tax rules will come back into effect More news >>