Adolfo Muñoz, re-elected General Secretary with a broad majority

Jan 29, 2013
The new Executive Committee was elected. The Committee is led by Adolfo Muñoz, the only candidate from the National Committee to be the General Secretary of the trade union.

The ballot results were as follows:

635 YES votes (89,81%)

50 NO votes

21 blank votes

1 spoiled votes

The new Executive Committee is therefore made up as follows:

Adolfo Muñoz. General Secretary.

Amaia Muñoa. Deputy General Secretary. Treasurer. Trade Union Official for Iparralde.

Patxi Agirrezabala. Communication.

Leire Txakartegi. Gender Policies. Occupational Health. Immigration. Basque Language

Xabier Anza. Trade Union Training.

Laura Gonzalez de Txabarri. International Relations.

Txema Laiseka. Membership. Trade Union elections.

Mitxel Lakuntza. Navarra Coordination.

Mikel Noval. Social Policy. Studies Office. Environment.

Amaia Aierbe. Legal Services.

Eustakio Uranga. Organisation.

Joseba Villarreal. Collective bargaining.

The congress ended with the speech by the new General Secretary, Adolfo Muñoz, Txiki. In his first speech as General Secretary, Muñoz wanted to thank all the militants for their work.

Muñoz began by stressing that "struggles have to be shared in order to strengthen our collective identity.
We have to overcome individualism so that we are not indifferent to injustices”.

Muñoz stressed the important role of the militants as "A trade union without membership is meaningless. We work for them and they give us the freedom to do so. And, therefore, we need more members to be stronger”.