Against genocide in Gaza

Mar 22, 2024
Once again, thousands of people participated on Sunday, March 17 in Donostia in the demonstration in support of the Palestinian people under the slogan 'Stop Genocide'.

The massive demonstration was called by agents of Basque culture and had the support of numerous social organizations, political parties and unions, including ELA.

Along the route of the demonstration there were various musical and artistic performances, ending with a big performance with the participants lying on the ground symbolizing the thousands of people murdered in Gaza. All under the sound of the air raid sirens that annually commemorate the bombing of Gernika in 1937 and alongside an image of Pablo Picasso's Guernica.

At the end of the event, a manifesto was read denouncing the loss of humanity and the normalization of terror by the racist and criminal state of Israel that kills hundreds of innocent people every day. Denouncing also the complicity of “the free and civilized world”, presided over by the United States and followed by the European Union, and demanding that political leaders and institutions cease all commercial, military and diplomatic relations with Israel.