ELA mobilized to demand the end of racial discrimination

Mar 21, 2024

On the occasion of the International Day Against Racism, ELA gathered hundreds of militants on the border between Irun and Hendaye in a mobilization that ended on the Santiago bridge, a symbolic place where the union has reaffirmed its commitment to the anti-racist fight and against precariousness. Dozens of migrant workers who are ELA union representatives in different workplaces participated in the event.

Mitxel Lakuntza, general secretary of ELA, stressed that “we must unite the fight against racism and the fight against precariousness, because they are essentially the same fight.” In this sense, he recalled that “in the Basque Country, poverty is five times higher among the group of migrants compared to the rest of the population. That teaches us a way: the union always has to be with the people who need it most.”